Online Top Up

We'll send a text to this phone number to confirm

What do you want to do?

Amount to top up

Top up between $10 and $150.

Please note: Money you top up will go towards Plans & Add-ons you have on hold. You can avoid this by texting STOP and the Plan or Add-on name to cancel its auto renewal before you Top Up.

Payment method

Please confirm we've got everything correct

Top up amount $20

By making payment you agree to our Terms and Conditions

Terms and conditions

Topping Up Online

The maximum online Top Up at any one time is $150 and the daily maximum that you can Top Up online with any one credit or debit card is $150. 2degrees cannot reverse any online Top Up once the purchase has been submitted for processing, so please double check the mobile number and amount you wish to Top Up before submitting your payment. To the extent permitted by law, 2degrees will not be liable for any loss caused or resulting from your use of the internet to send personal or financial information. This purchase is subject to the Prepay Terms and Conditions.

2degrees' Privacy Policy applies to any information 2degrees collects about you. 2degrees will ensure that information about you is held securely and will not disclose any information about you to any other person (except for the purpose described here or as authorised by you or when required or authorised by law).

Purchasing a Value Pack Online

If you are purchasing a Value Pack, the cost of the Value Pack you wish to purchase will first be applied to your account as top up credit. This credit will be used to purchase your selected Value Pack. If you already have a Value Pack that could not renew on your account due to low credit ("Held Pack") and this Held Pack is of an equal or lesser value than the Value Pack you wish to purchase, the credit applied to your account will be applied to renewing the Held Pack. As a result your chosen Value Pack will not be purchased. If you do want your chosen Value Pack to be purchased instead of any Held Pack, you must text STOP and the Held Pack''s name to 233 before you purchase your chosen Value Pack.

By purchasing a Value Pack you accept the terms and conditions relevant to the Value Pack. 2degrees will not be liable to any person for any loss caused or resulting from your purchase of a Value Pack for any third party.

Only Prepay customers can purchase a Value Pack through this online service. If you are a Pay Monthly customer, you will need to log into Your 2degrees to purchase a Value Pack.