WiFi Extender
Get WiFi in your garage, the back office and other places around the house your regular signal can’t reach. 2degrees WiFi Extender amplifies your modem’s signal to expand its range across your property.

Connect everyone
Stream or game in places far away from your modem without dodgy performance speeds. You can also beat signal-killing things like thick walls.
Clever coverage
Work around thick walls and other things (like microwaves) which weaken your WiFi signal.
Reach further
Get WiFi in places far away from your modem like garages, upstairs rooms or workshops out the back.

Pick your place
WiFi Extenders are made portable by utilising Mesh technology to create an improved WiFi experience. Choose where you need more WiFi, wirelessly connect the extender to your modem and you’re away.
Simple setup
Connects like a wireless speaker: pair, position, party on.
Move with you
Mesh technology cleverly switches between your modem and WiFi Extender to improve the experience across your wireless devices.
How do I get WiFi Extender?
New to 2degrees Broadband?
New customers need to sign up to a broadband plan before getting a WiFi Extender.
See our plans
See our plans

Already with us?
If you already have a 2degrees modem on a 2degrees Broadband plan, you can buy a WiFi Extender online.
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