Business Coverage

We've invested to create a unique core network for New Zealand businesses. This platform enables a wide suite of products and services to help grow and scale with your needs.




No signal

Signal strength shown is indicative of the 2degrees network and outdoor coverage. Actual coverage may vary based on device and other environmental factors.

Network snapshots

Icon of a Mobile Phone


We have 2,101 cell towers (and counting) in our network.

Icon with a broadband modem


We have 4,600km of Fibre Broadband underground.

Icon of a rocket taking off

Practical Innovation

We ‘re invested in future technologies like satellite connectivity to give your business a connectivity edge.

Icon of a shield with a padlock in the middle


We offer a suite of products from reputable providers to ensure secure connectivity for your business.

Image of a satellite with a sunset and a city skyline in the background

Making space for the future

We're continuing to improve and future proof our network by working with key partners as digitisation reaches further into mission - critical structures. We’re driven to increase resilience against natural disasters and unexpected interruptions.

Image of a man working on his laptop in a server room

Trusted business partner for space-based connectivity

Satellite connectivity provides increased resilience for New Zealand Businesses. 2degrees offers Starlink Internet Plans for Business customers operating remotely and on the move. 2degrees is also Starlink’s trusted ground infrastructure partner - supplying national support for space-based internet services. We’re also testing personal space services to connect you across the whole country.