Industry: Education
Services: Managed WAN and Mobile Services
Problem: Managing a large network
Solution: Seamless, cost-effective connectivity solutions
Outcome: Enhanced efficiency, reduced costs, and exceptional service
"Overall, our partnership really sets the bar high in terms of both its commercial and service benefits." Russell Smith, ICTS Systems Manager, Manukau Institute of Technology.
With a roll of more than 16,000 students, including 1,000 international students each year, Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) is one of the largest technical, vocational and professional education providers in New Zealand, which has been changing lives in South Auckland since 1970.
With over 5,500 desktops and laptops and more than 8,500 mobile devices active on MIT's WiFi network across its 11 campus sites, technology is fundamental to its operations. And behind it every step of the way is its trusted communications provider, 2degrees.
Tell us about what plans you've got with 2degrees?
As a prominent institution in the education sector, MIT has relied on 2degrees for several years to provide essential Managed WAN and mobile services, which are crucial for their extensive network of devices and campuses. Recently, MIT transitioned their mobile services to the TaaS (Telecommunications as a Service) agreement. This specialized 'all of government agency' telecommunications contract offers significant commercial advantages by streamlining services and providing cost savings across all government entities, regardless of their size. This move aligns with MIT’s commitment to optimizing their technological infrastructure while benefiting from enhanced efficiencies and reduced costs.
Tell us more about this partnership
ICTS Systems Manager Russell Smith highlights that MIT’s partnership with 2degrees has greatly streamlined their operations. He praises 2degrees for their collaborative approach, which has reduced costs and improved efficiency. The shift to the TaaS (Telecommunications as a Service) agreement has simplified administration while providing exceptional service. Smith values the regular quarterly reviews with 2degrees, which focus on continuous improvement, ensuring smooth operations and demonstrating their strong commitment to MIT’s needs.
How did the switch go?
Smith says the coordination from a technical perspective has also been seamless. "Our switch to 2degrees' WAN services went extremely well – in fact, I don't think anyone actually noticed! Our desktop provision team works directly with 2degrees' mobile team for anything relating to users and staff, and our network team works directly with 2degrees' technical team. Communication is fundamental to our relationship and 2degrees has been really open with us. Issues are dealt with quickly and working with them is a very straightforward process," he says.
How have you found the service from 2degrees?
"When we have issues, we have the tools we need to provide 2degrees with accurate data to identify areas that require attention. It's a cooperative process which works well. Overall, our partnership really sets the bar high in terms of both its commercial and service benefits. It's a genuine business relationship that we are very proud of and, as a technology-focused organisation, will allow us to grow well into the future." Service Delivery Manager, Steve Jones, says the partnership has also created additional benefits for its staff and students. "Under the partnership, MIT's staff and students on 2degrees' post and prepaid mobiles can also share in the savings with discounts and other offers. It's not often a commercial arrangement can provide additional benefits like this, so it has been very well received across our entire organisation."
New Zealand success stories